
With wonder in his eyes

and a snotty little nose,

leapt out of the wilderness

a little boy of hope.

gazing vastly at the horizons,

amazed at the unison of the skies and sea.

He felt a deep growing agony

a void within the stormy seas,

to  be filled with love and sanctity.

Then came the swivel,

of the cold winter breeze,

carrying with it a precious little snowflake,

a structure, from the infinitely unique.

The boy found excitement in the cold,

and shivered on to keep hold,

of this mesmerizing creature

that brought wonder in galore.

But the winds would not blow a lifetime

and the winter would soon ashore

the intricate structure slowly melting,

leaving only a moist reflection,

in the tears that wished for more.

Agony replaced the bowels of wonder

and the excitement was drowned in the flooded gloom.

A dire soul with a sulking head

raised up to the sky

to find a glimmer of hope.

The twinkles did earnestly respond

and an enlightened heart, brought up once more.

Stargazing in admiration,

the misery was swept by the glazing oars.

lit up by the infinite lights

a kindred soul chased a falling being once more.

With arms stretched to the horizon

glimpses of unison were finally abode.

But the skies were truly unreachable

and shooting stars much farther than ones arms could hope.

the light was never for the wondering

and the fascination was confined to the night light

leaving as soon as dawn kissed the edge-less hole.

the darkness lay siege once more

with a morning light of sorrow

cast upon the dreaming fool.

no wonder left to hope,

no skies to hold in dreams of ‘morrow.

Only then, came the burning feel.

A flickering splinter

struggling to keep its speed.

An admiration was found again,

as he chased the descending entity,

before it burnt up in whole.

A fire dimly burning

lit up in an ever colding heat.

As he felt the burn on his fingertips

it was fascination that grew anew.

Two damaged little flickers

burning each other out of gloom.

One with varying admiration

coupled with a struggling ray of hope.

They would surely burn up together.

A calming halcyon to be restored.


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